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MAD - Ignite

Project Ideas

1. Ascendance - Gauze Projection

We'd love to put on Ascendance but it needs the right space to suspend the gauze between buildings, lampposts or palm trees etc. and to have a very, very high level of darkness. It'd be great to see if it works in the Science Museum!

2. Aquatic Fartasia (or Touch and Toot or Farting Fauna or Splash and Gas...) - Interactive Projection

We'd love to 'recycle' our Dior Aquarium world for something else, so we thought we could replace some of the animals with elephants, seals, turtles, hippos, otters, pufferfish etc. and create some interaction whereby the animals fart and have bubbles coming out of their bums when audiences touch them. We thought it could work around the pavilion with the fabric and tech set up you created there last year.

We could work with your Unreal Engine guys to add the interactivity or do it ourselves in the UK but it might be easier/cheaper to use your existing tech and workforce?

Dior Riviera Korea Studio McGuire 5.jpeg

3. Miniature Mischief (or Tiny Tumults) - Mini Projection Installations

This project was the forerunner to Micropolis and currently consists of 3 little installations that are usually displayed in nooks and niches that people stumble upon. We'd like to create a 5-10 few more of these where small projected characters interact in mischievous ways with domestic or discarded objects: for example those characters could water and harvest a cannabis plant, they could sit on the rim of a small fish tank with a fishing rod, they could be lying next to cookie tin with big aching bellies and crumbs everywhere, they could be tagging a children's drawing hanging on the fridge etc...

Those installations could be dotted around the MAD building and gardens; in toilets, cleaning cupboards, unused corners, shelves etc.

4. Whispers of Light - Light Installation

This is a wild card but we'd love to do it one day: create giant/human size versions of our intricate papercraft houses that are just lit up beautifully emanating some beautiful sound and gentle poetic narration. (They could also have a simple projections of shadows.)

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-28 at 15.51.47.jpeg

We did some tests with non-woven corvin fabric which is cheap, sturdy, waterproof and dirt proof. It t looks like paper and takes the light like paper. You can laser cut it very well and quickly. The sheets in the video/picture on the left are 120 by 70cm big. We would need to design and build a timber/truss structure and use these laser cut sheets as 'cladding'.

We could design the structure and cut the 'cladding' sheets in the UK structure but there maybe there is a possibility of doing it in collaboration with you in the US since you guys have a laser cutter and also architectural/structural expertise to help engineer a safe windproof house structure?

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