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Davy & Kristin McGuire

Melancholy in Immersive Art: Join Us at CodaSummit 2024

We are thrilled to announce that we will be delivering the closing keynote "Embracing the Shadows: Using Immersive Art to transcend mere Spectacle" at CodaSummit 2024, the premier conference dedicated to the innovative intersection of art and technology.

In this talk we will argue for the necessity of immersive experiences that transcend fleeting spectacles, advocating for pieces that evoke darker emotions like melancholy, nostalgia and the bittersweet as an antidote to a culture that overstimulates with superficial pleasures and short-lived excitement.

We'll present some of our works and explain how we try to make our audiences cry :)

"There's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." (Leonard Cohen)

Event Details:

website of CodaSummit showing pictures of keynote  speakers


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