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Davy & Kristin McGuire
Jul 5, 2021
July 2021: Pole Dance & Interactive Projection Mapping
We've been busy exploring how interactive projection mapping could be combined with pole dancing. This R&D has been hosted by Hull...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Jun 1, 2021
June 2021: Two more Funding Successes!
Lots of exciting news this month! Creative XR 1. We're excited to announce that we reached the final stage of the prestigious Creative XR...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
May 3, 2021
May 2021: Funding success!
We've just received an offer letter from Arts Council England to develop our work on pole dancing and interactive projection mapping....

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Apr 23, 2021
April 2021: Kristin's become a 'cover girl'
The book launch for 'Shakespeare, Spectatorship and the Technologies of Performance' happened last year but we've only just clocked it!...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Mar 1, 2021
March 2021: New Body of Work
We've been working on two new series of wall hanging pieces: One series uses back lit plexiglass to create large (60cm by 1200cm) stained...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Feb 1, 2021
February 2021: Sirens!
We've begun work on a new commission for which we will project real mermaids into the docks of Hull and beyond. The project will be...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Jan 19, 2021
January 2021: Vertigo premieres at London International Mime Festival
"Best of the bunch, though, is Kristin and Davy McGuire’s Vertigo, which uses digital projections onto gauze to transform a sensuous...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Dec 23, 2020
December 2020: Immerse Yourself...
What a year to spend on learning, experimenting, prototyping and meeting avatars of exciting people from all over the world! Throughout...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Dec 9, 2020
November 2020: Playtime!
What do you do in lockdown? Put a projector on, take your kit off and take some pictures :) Here's a few visuals we've been experimenting...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Oct 28, 2020
October 2020: Dracula in AR
We've been working on our first Augmented Reality project and here's a little video walk through the prototype experience (put your...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Sep 29, 2020
September 2020: We won a big award, yay!
We were thrilled to find out that our project A Night at the Mansion at Harewood House won "Innovation of the Year" at the Museums and...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Aug 19, 2020
August 2020: Innovation of the Year
Our harry-potteresque immersive project 'A Night at the Mansion' has been shortlisted for the Museum + Heritage Awards.

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Jul 8, 2020
July: The Invited!
We received funding from Creative XR to create a prototype for 'The Invited'. This new project reimagines the gothic story of Dracula in...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Jun 1, 2020
June 2020: Check us out on Google Arts & Culture
Last year 11 of our works were on display in a museum and we were pretty chuffed. Now Google Arts & Culture has profiled the exhibition...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
May 1, 2020
May 2020: Studio McGuire goes Interactive!
It's been game galore at the studio! After creating our first ever video game which is set in one of our hand made paper sculptures we've...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Apr 10, 2020
April 2020: Hologram Jukebox and a Papercraft Video Game
We've spent the last couple of months solidly in the studio learning, experimenting and completing two new pieces: An R&D grant from XR...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Mar 31, 2020
March 2020: 'LUCY' the fine art video game
During Corona lockdown we've been able to up-skill the McGuires with some video game designing skillz funded by XR Stories and produced...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Feb 5, 2020
February 2020: McGuire-Attenborough anyone?
Visit Belfast this February and explore a human zoo of pocket-sized people in our cheeky anthropological study of the human species! This...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Jan 14, 2020
January 2020: Happy New Decade!
January saw the dawn for a 'Night at the Mansion' at Harewood House. This beauty of a stately home will sleep until spring but below are...

Davy & Kristin McGuire
Dec 2, 2019
December 2020: Did you see our new project on the BBC?
We've had the most beautiful, peaceful, stress-free 3 weeks staying at Harewood House to install our Christmas extravaganza "A Night at...
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